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Spring, Creek, Trail 6/12hr rogaine
Saturday 19 October 2024, 11:00am

The 2024 “Spring, Creek, Trail” Spring Rogaine will be held in the nearby Yanununbeyan Conservation Area and Yanununbeyan National Park on Saturday 19 October, commencing at 11:00am. Hash House is located at “Murdering Sheds Flat”, a lot of private land on Woolcara Lane that is much less threatening than its name (and is in fact really quite nice).

As usual, we will be running two events, a 6 hour and a 12 hour. The area is great unburnt rogaine country and offers the occasional surprise sweeping view of the surrounding farmland or back towards Canberra.

Entries are now open until Midnight Sunday 13 October. $50 full entry and $40 concession. Solo entries are not permitted. Late entries with an additional $10 fee will be accepted until Wednesday (but please enter now for the sake of the organsiers).

There will be no provided breakfast, so bring your own food if you are planning on staying overnight. All participants must bring their own plates, bowls, and cutlery.

Team Mate wanted: a visiting team from New Caledonia has lost one of its members to injury. If you are interested in teaming up and have French language skills or are happy with a team mate with limited English, he is a good navigator and keen to do 25-30km in the 6 hour event. Contact David if you are interested.


 enter event edit entry  team list

Final Instructions

Thank you for entering. Team leaders, make sure that everyone on your team reads this whole document carefully. PDF version.


ACT residents – don’t forget to do a pre-poll (early vote) for the Territory election.

Indemnity Form

Please bring to the event a printed and completed indemnity form located here. Check the team list for your relevant event on the home page to ensure that all details for your team including category are correct. If incorrect, please contact the Event Contact prior to the event.

  • Ensure that all team members sign a separate indemnity form. Parents or guardians must sign for people under 18. Also provide registration number(s) of your car(s) at the Hash House. Be sure to put your team number on the form.
  • Present your completed indemnity form at the registration desk.
  • Medical advice: All competitors should consider advising their partner of any pre-existing medical conditions (such as diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, susceptibility to anaphylaxis) that may require first-aid action on course. This should include a description of the symptoms, the required first-aid action, and the location in their bag of any medication (such as sugar, ventolin, epi-pen, anti-histamines).

How to Get There

The Hash House is located at Murdering Flats on Woolcara Lane within the Yanununbeyan National Park.

0 km From East Queanbeyan major roundabout, take the Kings Highway east.

2.7 km turn right into Captains Flat Road.

21.3 km turn right in to Woolcara Lane, a dirt road.

25.4 km continue straight on Woolcara Lane.

26.1 km Head over cattle grid, continue straight on Woolcara Lane.

26.6 km Bear left over cattle grid, continue on Woolcara Lane

You are now on a public road crossing private property with stock, including sheep with new lambs. Please drive slowly and give way to all stock.

28 km there is a puddle across the road that looks intimidating. It has a hard gravel base. On 12 October this was shallow and fine to drive across.

33.3 km continue straight on Woolcara Lane into Yanununbeyan National Park.

36 km to Murdering Flats Hash House site.

Direction signs will be put out on Friday afternoon.


Registration, Map Availability, Start Times

The Spring, Creek, Trail 6 and 12 hour events will commence by way of a mass start at 11 am sharp on Saturday 19 October, with a final briefing at 10:50 am. Registration will open at 9 am. A novice briefing will be given at 9:30 am to provide some more information on the map and how to plan a course.

To register, one person only per team to register and collect maps. That person will need to:

  • Bring first aid kit, so that it can be checked; see below for what it must contain
  • Bring one completed indemnity form per team member.

Electronic scoring: As this event is using the Navlight system of scoring, each team member will be issued with a wristband and tag upon registration.

You will also be given pre-marked maps, control descriptions, course setter's notes and a small copy of the map to be used as a flight plan. We recommend that you arrive at least an hour prior to the start of the event to allow enough time for final preparations and route planning. Each team must mark their intended route on the flight plan and hand it in before starting. 

Map and Course Details

There will be one A3 map, 1:25,000 with 10 m contour interval. Magnetic north lines are marked on the map. Out of bounds areas are marked in pink shading. It contains mainly native bush with small areas of cleared land. The course setters notes and control descriptions have been printed on the back. The altitude ranges from approximately 800 to 1200 m.

The map is printed on Teslin paper which is very tough and generally does not need to be covered in contact.

The bush is mostly very open under the trees and gaiters for the low bushes and snakes should be sufficient. Long pants will also work if you don’t own gaiters.

The weather forecast as at 13 October is looking pretty good with temperatures about 11-21 degrees and the slight chance of a shower in the morning (i.e. perfect rogaining conditions). However, keep an eye on the forecast later in the week and bring appropriate clothes.


Please bring enough water for Hash House use and for at least 3-6 hours on course. There are 2 water drops on course, although you may choose a route that does not bring you past water for a while. At each water drop there is a pump that screws into the top of the water container to use. We do not recommend drinking any water found on course without sterilisation. There is not likely to be drinkable water in the larger creeks.


You are welcome to camp at the Hash House site on Friday and Saturday nights. Portaloos will be there but BYO everything else, including water. Expect a cleared area with some flat spots and some sloping areas. There will be a couple of organisers camping Friday night as well.

Other Information

Catering: Carwoola RFS will provide a meal at the end of each event. Please bring your own plate, bowl, cup and cutlery, otherwise you will miss out. This is the first time Carwoola RFS have catered for us, so please be friendly and patient.

Control Collecting: We would like to collect some or all of the course on Sunday. If you would like to help, we will provide a bacon and egg roll for your breakfast before you head out. Please let Julie know (text 0421 021 693) by Thursday evening if you can help so she can instruct her chooks to lay enough eggs.

Please Bring to the Event

  • Completed indemnity form
  • The map will be printed on Teslin waterproof paper with control descriptions on reverse side. Contact or map case optional.
  • Coloured pens, pencils, highlighter pen, table and chairs or board for map preparation. The marquee will be available for planning.
  • Some food for before and/or during the event.
  • Your own plate, bowl, cup and cutlery for catering.
  • Water for your use at the Hash House and to start the event with (there is no running water on site).
  • Portaloos will be at the Hash House. You may like to bring your own hand sanitiser.

Carry on Course

Mandatory Equipment

  • Whistle (per person)
  • Basic first aid kit (that includes 2 compression bandages and 1 wound dressing) (per team)
  • Space blanket (per person)

Other items we recommend that you carry/wear

  • food for the event
  • water for 3-6hours
  • compass
  • gaiters
  • long trousers
  • non-GPS enabled watch
  • pen/pencil
  • head torch and spare batteries
  • Mobile phone for emergencies
  • Sunscreen, sun-hat, sunglasses
  • Adequate warm clothes for the conditions (noting conditions can change quickly):
    • raincoat, warm jacket
    • thermals + a spare if it is wet
    • gloves
    • beanie

Mobile Phone Coverage

There is Telstra Mobile phone coverage across a lot of the course, with the exception of down in some of the water courses. However, this may only be 1 or 2 bars, so you may need to rely on text messages over voice.

The Hash House number will be 0457 364 319 and is printed on the map.


  • No dogs
  • No GPS-enabled time-keeping devices (watches, phones etc).

 Summary of Event Rules and Scoring

  • The only navigational aids permitted are the maps we provide together with your compasses.
  • Teams consist of 2 to 5 competitors and must remain within earshot of each other at all times. All members must simultaneously get to within 5m of each control point.
  • All team members must punch their Navlight tags at each control to score points.
  • If a Navlight punch has failed, record the three letter code visible inside the end of the punch.
  • Competitors must not enter out-of-bounds areas; gates must be left as found; stock must not be disturbed.
  • The organisers may disqualify a team if it acts against these rules or against the spirit of the event.
  • A team can retire a member at the hash house. This will finish that team's event. A new team can form but it must start with zero score.
  • Late Penalty: 10 points per minute (or part) late. Disqualification if more than 30 minutes late.
  • If teams score equal points then the first team home will have a higher rank.

Presentation and Awards

Food and drinks will be available from about 4:45 pm time. Please bring your own plate and utensils.

Mugs will be awarded to the winners of each category and certificates to the place-getters of most categories. Presentations will take place around 30 minutes after the end of each event.

Event volunteers

If you have queries contact the Event Contact listed below.

Event Contact

Julie Quinn 0421 021 693 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Julie Quinn

Setters and Vetters

Tom Fitzgerald, Holly Ashburner, Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson, Wendy Emerton, Keith Thomas, Julie Quinn.

First Aid

Julie Quinn

General Help

Tom Fitzgerald, Holly Ashburner, Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson, Julie Quinn, David Baldwin

Control Collectors

We would love your help on Sunday – see note above under other information.


24Spring Spurflowers 24SpringDevils



Location Yanununbeyan NP
Julie Quinn
 Coordinator  Julie Quinn
 Setters and Vetters  Holly Ashburner, Tom Fitzgerald, Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson, Wendy Emerton, Keith Thomas, Julie Quinn
 Map Maker  Ron Simpson
 First Aid  Julie Quinn
 Control Collection  Needed please
 General Help  Holly Ashburner, Tom Fitzgerald, Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson, David Baldwin,Julie Quinn
 Catering  Carwoola RFS